Master’s degree


  • Pre-school and Primary School Pedagogy
  • Primary School Pedagogy. Information and Communication Technologies in Primary School
  • Technology of computer science and information technology education
  • Special Pedagogy with modules: Mental Retardation, Speech Therapy, Resource Teacher
  • Management of Social and Pedagogical Organizations

1.Pre-school and Primary School Pedagogy

The Master's Degree Program, specialty "Pre-school and Primary School Pedagogy" is in accordance with the educational goal of the specialty – upgrading, deepening and enriching the general pedagogical-psychological and private methodological training of students who have acquired a bachelor's degree in of higher education "pedagogical sciences".
Qualification characteristic – PPSP
(2 semesters)
(4 semesters)
The pedagogical staff can be realized in the system of pre-school and primary school education, as well as in other spheres of education (heads and specialists of education in municipal, regional, national and other institutions).

2.Primary School Pedagogy. Information and Communication Technologies in Primary School

The master's program is aimed at training teachers who will apply information and communication technologies in the educational process, as well as will teach students of primary school age in information technology.
Qualification characteristic – PSP.ICTinPS

Upon successful completion of the training, students receive a master's degree in pedagogy: primary school teacher. The pedagogical staff can be realized in the system of primary school education, as well as in other spheres of education  (heads and specialists of education in municipal, regional, district, national and other institutions).

3.Technology of computer science and information technology education

The Master's degree "Technology of computer science and information technology education" provides essential broad-based training in computer science and information technology, psychology, pedagogy, methodology and education management, as well as upgrading and developing the Bachelor's degree training.
Qualification characteristic – TCSITE
(2 semesters)
(4 semesters)
The successful Master's degree graduates in the specialty of "Technology of computer science and information technology education" can be realized as:
•    teacher, senior teacher and mentor teacher of computer science and information technology in general education secondary schools from 5th to 12th grade and in vocational high schools;
•    head of computer room;
•    specialists in the field of computer science and information technology in various educational institutions, in governmental and non-governmental organizations.

4.Special Pedagogy with modules: Mental Retardation, Speech Therapy, Resource Teacher

Special Pedagogy with modul Speech Therapy

The master's programme is aimed at providing specialists with a high degree of academic preparation – broad general pedagogical, psychological, theoretical and practical-methodological competences for working with people with special educational needs.
Qualification characteristic – SpP Speech Therapy
CURRICULUM (PART-TIME EDUCATION) – SpP Speech Therapy (3 semesters)
CURRICULUM (PART-TIME EDUCATION) – SpP Speech Therapy (4 semesters)

The training of master’s degree graduates includes knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of special pedagogy and related scientific fields, such as: biological and medical sciences, psychological sciences, pedagogical sciences, linguistics and psycholinguistics and other scientific fields.

Special Pedagogy with modul Resource Teacher

The Master's programme is aimed at training staff with a high degree of academic education – broad general pedagogical, psychological, theoretical and practical-methodological competences for working with people with special educational needs.
Qualification characteristic – SpP Resource Teacher
CURRICULUM (PART-TIME EDUCATION) – SpP Resource Teacher (4 semesters)

The training of Master’s graduates includes knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of special pedagogy and related scientific fields, such as: biological and medical sciences, psychological sciences, pedagogical sciences, linguistics and psycholinguistics and other scientific fields.


5.Management of Social and Pedagogical Organizations

The training in the Master's degree programme in Management of Social and Pedagogical Institutions programme aims at:

  • Stimulating the purposeful development of reflection in the context of its managerial dimensions – intellectual, technological, dialogical and praxiological.
  • Developing skills related to team building and leadership qualities in managerial and executive staff.
  • Forming a positive attitude towards management as a value; building strategies for solving emerging management problems independently and acquiring competencies for this type of activity.

Qualification characteristic – MSPO



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