Доц. д-р Тончо Господинов Динев







Развитие на научната кариера:
2020              Тракийски университет, Аграрен факултет, Стара Загора  – доцент по микробиология;
2016              Тракийски университет, Аграрен факултет, Стара Загора –  главен асистент по микробиология;
2014              Тракийски университет, Аграрен факултет, Стара Загора –  асистент по микробиология;
2010-2011   Тракийски университет, Ветеринарномедицински факултет, Стара Загора – асистент по фармакология;
2004-2007   Редовен докторант по “Фармакология” Ветеринарномедицински факултет,  Стара Загора.
Преподавани дисциплини:
Обща микробиология;      
Микробиология и микробиологични методи на пречистване;
Биологичен контрол на водопречистването;
Микробиология на месо и месни продукти;
Аграрна микробиология.
Професионален опит:
Професионалният опит е в областта на микробиологични, биохимични и апаратни методи за определяне на субстанции, както и определяне на антимикробната активност на различни пробиотични микроорганизми, антибиотици, растителни екстракти и др. Също така подготовка, оформяне и написване на статии в специализирани научни издания в страната и чужбина.
Курсове и специализации:
2004 г. Тракийски университет, Стара Загора – Курс за езикова подготовка по английски език.
  1. Dinev T., N. Rusenova, M. Tzanova, N. Grozeva, M. Gerdzhikova, P. Stoyanov, T. Mladenova, G. Beev (2020). Antimicrobial potential of methanolic extracts from Betonica bulgarica Degen et Neič. (Lamiaceae). Ecologia Balkanica, 12(2), 165-174. (SJR2019 = 0.134)
  2. Tzanova M., V. Atanasov, Z. Yaneva, D. Ivanova, T. Dinev (2020). Selectivity of current extraction techniques for flavonoids from plant materials. Processes, 8(10), 1-30. (IF 2019 = 2.753)
  3. Velichkova K., I. Sirakov, T. Dinev (2020). Removal of indicator and pathogenic bacteria by Lemna minuta Kunth in an aquaponic recirculation system. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 29(4), 2222-2227. (IF2019 = 0.673)
  4. Tzanova M., V. Atanasov, M. Ivanov, A. Iliev, S. Atanasova, P. Peeva, N. Grozeva, M. Gerdzhikova, T. Dinev (2019). Antioxidant constituents and antioxidant activity of some red wine and red table grape varieties, cultivated in different regions of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25 (Suppl. 3), 3-12. (SJR = 0.191) 
  5. Beev G., T. Kolev, N. Naydenova, T. Dinev, M. Tzanova, G. Mihaylova (2019). Physicochemical, sanitary and safety indicators changes during the ripening of Bulgarian white brined cheese from local farms. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25 (Suppl. 3), 109-115. (SJR = 0.191) 
  6. Terzieva S., K. Velichkova, N. Grozeva, N. Valcheva, T. Dinev (2019). Antimicrobial activity of Amaranthus spp. extracts against some mycotoxigenic fungi. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25 (Suppl. 3), 120-123. (SJR = 0.191) 
  7. Dermendzhieva, D., G. Zhelyazkov, G. Beev, G. Kostadinova, T. Dinev, G. Petkov (2019). Agro-ecological assessment of Ovcharitsa Dam (Bulgaria) water used for thermal power plant cooling. Ecologia Balkanica, 11(2), 167-180. (SJR = 0.134) 
  8. Sirakov I., K. Velichkova, N. Rusenova, T. Dinev (2019). In vitro test of inhibition effect of extracts from three seaweed species distributed at Black sea on different pathogens potentially dangerous for aquaponics. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 24(1), 176-183. (IF = 0.321)
  9. Velichkova K., I. Sirakov, N. Rusenova, G. Beev, S. Denev, N. Valcheva, T. Dinev (2018). In vitro antimicrobial activity on Lemna minuta, Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina sp. extracts. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 27(8), 5736-5741. (IF = 0.673)
  10. Dinev T., G. Beev, M. Tzanova, S. Denev, D. Dermendzhieva, A. Stoyanova (2018). Antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus plantarum against pathogenic and food spoilage microorganisms: A review. Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine,  21(3), 253-268. (SJR = 0.167)
  11. Dermendzhieva D., G. Kostadinova, G. Petkov, T. Dinev, V. Vasilev (2017). Hygienic and ecological assessment of the microclimate in a farm for intensive breeding of rabbits. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 7(1-2), 97-105.
  12. Dinev T. (2017). Pharmacokinetics and allometric analysis of spectinomycin. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 15(1), 50-55.
  13. Dermendzhieva D., G. Kostadinova, G. Petkov, D. Dimov, T. Dinev, T. Penev, Tch. Miteva, J. Mitev (2017). Agro-ecological assessment of manure from different farm animals by content of biogenic elements. Agricultural Science and Technology, 9(1), 53-61.
  14. Dinev T., G. Beev, S. Denev, D. Dermendzhieva, M. Tzanova, E. Valkova (2017). Antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus acidophilus against pathogenic and food spoilage microorganisms: A review. Agricultural Science and Technology, 9(1), 3-9.
  15. Tzanova M., V. Atanasov, B. Zaharinov, G. Beev, T. Dinev, E. Valkova (2017). Reproduction impact of mancozeb on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.) and accumulation of its carcinogen metabolite, ethylene thiourea in fish products. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 18(2), 369-387. (SJR = 0.161)
  16. Tzanova M., T. Dinev, G. Beev, T. Dalidovich (2016). Modern analytical methods for control of mycotoxins in raw materials and foods: A review. Science and Technologies, Agrobiological science, 6(6), 141-147.
  17. Dinev T., I. Gospodinov, A. Stoyanova, G. Beev, D. Dermendzhieva, D. Pavlov (2016). Effects of irrigation and fertilization on soil microorganisms. Agricultural Science and Technology, 8 (1), 58-61.
  18. Dinev T., D. Kanakov, G. Beev, N. Rusenova, S. Denev (2016). Comparative study of erythrocyte sedimentation rate after aminoglycoside and aminocyclitol treatment in goats (Capra hircus). Istanbul Universitesi Veteriner Facultesi Dergisi, 42(2), 186-189. (SJR = 0.209)
  19. Dinev T., G. Beev, S. Denev (2015). Spectinomycin – present, future and alternatives. ECronicon Microbiology, 1(2), 118-121.
  20. Lashev L., S. Atanasova , T. Dinev (2015). Interspecies and gender-related variations of some haematological parameters in Galliformes bird species. Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 18 (4), 325-337. (SJR = 0.181)
  21. Stoyanova A., G. Ganchev, V. Kuneva, T. Dinev (2015). Effect of herbicide treatment on energy and protein nutritive values of two varieties of common wheat grain. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, 18 (4), 679-690.
  22. Dimitrova D., A. Haritova, T. Dinev, R. Moutafchieva, L. Lashev (2014). Comparative pharmacokinetics of danofloxacin in common pheasants, quinea fowls and Japanese quails after intravenous and oral administration. British Poultry Science, 55 (1), 120-125. (IF = 0.782)
  23. Dinev T. (2014). In vitro activity of gentamicin and amikacin in veterinary medicine: A review. Science and Technologies, Animal studies & Veterinary medicine, 4(5), 82-88.
  24. Dinev T. (2014).  Kanamycin and tobramycin resistance in veterinary medicine: A review. Science and Technologies, Animal studies & Veterinary medicine, 4(5), 89-94.
  25. Haritova A., D. Dimitrova, T. Dinev, R. Moutafchieva, L. Lashev (2013). Comparative pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin, danofloxacin, and marbofloxacin after intravenous and oral administration in Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 27 (1), 23-31. (IF = 0.672)
  26. Lashev L., D. Dimitrova, A. Haritova, R. Moutafchieva, T. Dinev (2012). Pharmacokinetics of enroflaxacin and marbofloxacin in Japanese quails and pheasants. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 35 (Suppl. 3), 110-111. (IF = 1.349)
  27. Dimitrova D., R. Moutafchieva, I. Kanelov, T. Dinev, L. Lashev (2009). Pharmacokinetics of tobramycin in ducks and sex-related differences. Veterinary Journal, 179, 462-464. (IF = 2.323)
  28. Dinev T., V. Urumova, M. Lyutskanov, L. Lashev (2009). Comparative pharmacokinetics and PK/PD parameters of five aminoglycosides in goats. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 33(3), 223-228. (IF = 0.342) (Q3 – 15 т.)
  29. L. Lashev, D. Dimitrova, A. Haritova, I. Kanelov, R. Moutafchieva, T. Dinev (2009). Gender related differences in the pharmacokinetics of antibacterials in poultry. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 32 (Suppl. 1), 148-149. (IF = 1.408)
  30. D. Dimitrova, T. Dinev, A. Gentchev, S. Yanev, B. Pandova, L. Lashev (2008). Pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin in Japanese quails. European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 33, 30. (IF = 0.738)
  31. Dimitrova D., R. Moutafchieva, R., I. Kanelov, T. Dinev, S. Yanev, B. Pandova, L. Lashev (2008). Pharmacokinetics of pefloxacin and its metabolite norfloxacin in male and female ducks. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 31(2), 167-170. (IF=1.581)
  32. Dinev T. (2008). Comparison of the pharmacokinetics of five aminoglycoside and aminocyclitol antibiotics using allometric analysis in mammal and bird species. Research in Veterinary Science, 84 (1), 107-118. (IF=1.384)
  33. Запрянова Д., Т. Динев, Х. Хубенов, Л. Лашев, И. П. Георгиев (2008). Влияние на флуниксина върху някои биохимични и хематологични показатели при кози. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 6(2), 72-76.
  34. Мирчева Т., Д. Запрянова, Е. Дишлянова, С. Танев, И. Пенчев, М. Андонова, Т. Динев (2007). Влияние на хемолизата върху измереното количество на общия белтък в кръвен серум и плазма при кучета, експериментално заразени със Streptococcus intermedius. Научни трудове на Русенски университет, 46(1), 178-181.
  35. Запрянова Д., Т. Мирчева, Т. Динев (2007). Влияние некоторых антикоагулянтов на динамику концентрации сахара в крови коз. Вісник Дніпропетровсікого Університету, 3(1), 216-219.
  36. Запрянова Д., Т. Динев, Т. Мирчева (2007). Сравнително изследване на концентрацията на общ белтък при кози, определена по три модификации на Биуретов метод. Екология и Бъдеще, 6(4), 33-37.
  37. Dinev T., D. Zapryanova, L. Lashev (2007). Changes in some blood biochemical and haematological parameters in goats after aminoglycoside and aminocyclitol treatment at therapeutic doses. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 31(3), 179-188. (IF = 0.259)
  38. Запрянова Д., Т. Динев, И. П. Георгиев (2006). Изследване на концентрациите на някои биохимични показатели в кръвта на кози през пролетния и есенния сезон. Научни трудове на Русенски университет, 45(1), 178-181.
  39. Dinev Т., H. Hubenov, L. Lashev (2006). Effects of aminoglycoside and aminocyclitol antibiotics on blood coagulation in goats. Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 9(4), 293-297.
  40. Dinev Т., D. Kanakov, D. Zapryanova (2005). Investigations on some biochemical and haematological parameters after tobramycin and amikacin treatment in female goats. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 3(5), 14-16.

 Участие в научни форуми:

  1.  Dinev T., N. Rusenova, M. Tzanova, N. Grozeva, M. Gerdzhikova, G. Beev. Antimicrobial potential of methanol extracts from Betonica bulgarica Degen et Neič. Scientific Anniversary Conference – 25 Years Trakia University, 15 May 2020, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.
  2. Tzanova M., V. Atanasov, M. Ivanov, A. Iliev, S. Atanasova, P. Peeva, N. Grozeva, M. Gerdzhikova, T. Dinev. Antioxidant constituents and antioxidant activity of some red wine and red table grape varieties, cultivated in different regions of Bulgaria. 3rd International Conference on Bio-antioxidants, 17-21 September 2019, Nessebar, Bulgaria, p. 42, Poster.
  3. Beev G., M. Mihaylova, Z. Urchev, N. Naydenova, T. Dinev, M. Tzanova, S. Denev. Biodiversity of Lactobacilli isolated from raw buffalo's milk. International Conference on Agricultural Science and Business, 30-31 May 2019, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, р. 45, Poster.
  4. Beev G., T. Kolev, N. Naydenova, T. Dinev, M. Tzanova, G. Mihaylova. Physicochemical, sanitary and safety indicators changes during the ripening of Bulgarian white brined cheese from local farms. International Conference on Agricultural Science and Business, 30-31 May 2019, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, р. 46, Poster.
  5. Dermendzhieva D., G. Beev, G. Kostadinova, G. Petkov, T. Dinev. Vermicomposting of sewage sludge from different types wastewater treatment plants. International Conference on Agricultural Science and Business, 30-31 May 2019, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, р. 54, Poster.
  6. Terzieva S., K. Velichkova, N. Grozeva, N. Valcheva, T. Dinev. Antimicrobial activity of Amaranthus sp. extracts against some mycotoxigenic fungi. International Conference on Agricultural Science and Business, 30-31 May 2019, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, р. 75, Poster.
  7. Petrov A., G. Beev, T. Stoyanchev, D. Dermendzhieva, T. Dinev, S. Denev. Occurrence and antimicrobial resistance of Enterococcus spp. from Bulgarian groundwater sources. 14th Congress of Microbiologists in Bulgaria with International Participation, 10th-13th October 2018, Hisarya, Bulgaria, 85, Poster.
  8. Dermendzhieva D., G. Kostadinova, G. Petkov, T. Dinev, V. Vasilev. Hygienic and ecological assessment of the microclimate in a farm for intensive breeding of rabbits. VII International Symposium of Livestock Production, 14th-16th September 2017, Skopje, Macedonia, Oral report.
  9. Dinev T., G. Beev, M. Tzanova, S. Denev, D. Dermendzhieva, A. Stoyanova. Antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus plantarum against pathogenic and food spoilage microorganisms: a review. 10th Balkan Congress of Microbiology „Microbiologia Balkanica'2017”, 16th-18th  November 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, Poster.
  10. Petrov A., G. Beev, D. Dermendzhieva, T. Dinev, M. Tzanova, S. Denev. Hygienic status of groundwater sources from Stara Zagora district. 10th Balkan Congress of Microbiology „Microbiologia Balkanica'2017”, 16th-18th November 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, Poster.
  11. Dinev T., G. Beev, S. Denev, S. Danova, M. Tzanova. Antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus acidophilus against foodborne pathogens. Workshop on Food-borne Pathogens and Food Safety, 26th-27th May 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, Poster.
  12. Beev G., T. Dinev, S. Denev, M. Tzanova, E. Valkova. Application of modern rapid detection methods for microbiological control of pathogens and biotoxins in milk and dairy products. Workshop on Food-borne Pathogens and Food Safety, 26th-27th May 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, Poster.
  13. Tzanova M., V. Atanasov, B. Zaharinov, G. Beev, T. Dinev, E. Valkova. Quantification of ethylene thiourea, carcinogenic metabolite of the pesticide Mancozeb, in products of rainbow trout reared inconditions of permissible under European law. 9th Scientific conference of the Bulgarian Focal Point of EFSA, 24th-25th October 2016, Hissar, Bulgaria, 66-67, Poster.
  14. Denev, S., G. Beev, T. Dinev, R. Moutafchieva, T. Georgieva. Health benefits of functional probiotic cultures. Scientific symposium “Beneficial and Pathogenic Microbes for Healthier Life and Safety Foods”, 8th-9th April 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria, Oral presentation.
  15. Denev S., G. Beev, R. Moutafchieva, T. Dinev. Probiotic potential of yogurt cultures – a review. 13th Congress of Microbiologists in Bulgaria, 7th-10th October 2014 г., Tryavna, Bulgaria, 38-39, Oral presentation.
  16. Lashev L., D. Dimitrova, A. Haritova, R. Moutafchieva, T. Dinev. Pharmacokinetics of enroflaxacin and marbofloxacin in Japanese quails and pheasants. Abstracts of the 12th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT 2012), 8-12 July 2012, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, Poster.
  17. L. Lashev, D. Dimitrova, A. Haritova, I. Kanelov, R. Moutafchieva, T. Dinev. Gender related differences in the pharmacokinetics of antibacterials in poultry. Abstracts of the 11th European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, 12-16 July 2009, Leipzig, Germany, Poster.
  18. D. Dimitrova, T. Dinev, A. Gentchev, S. Yanev, B. Pandova, L. Lashev. Pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin in Japanese quails. 7th Xenobiotic Metabolism and Toxicity Workshop of Balkan Countries, 3-6 June 2008, Novi Sad, Serbia, Poster.
  19. Запрянова Д., Т. Динев, И. П. Георгиев. Изследване на концентрациите на някои биохимични показатели в кръвта на кози през пролетния и есенния сезон. Научна конференция, 09-11.11.2006 г., гр. Русе, Постер.
  20. Динев Т., Д. Канъков, Д. Запрянова. Сравнително изследване на някои биохимични и хематологични показатели при кози след третиране с тобрамицин и амикацин. Юбилейна научна конференция 10 години Тракийски университет, 29.09.2005 г., гр. Стара Загора, Доклад.

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