Доц. д-р Диана Йовчева Ганева







Образование, развитие на научната кариера:

Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски", Биологически факултет, Специалност "Биология", 1980 г.
Асистент, 1983 г.
Старши асистент, 1989 г.
Главен асистент, 1994 г.
Доктор, 1999 г.
Доцент, 2009 г.

Преподавани дисциплини:


Научни интереси:

Ентомология: фауна и екология на Tabanidae (Diptera)
Тема на защитена дисертация:
“Фауна, фенология и активност на кръвосмучещите табаниди (Tabanidae, Diptera) в Старозагорски регион” 1998. Дисертация, Тракийски университет, Стара Загора, 215 сc.


Ganeva, D. 1993. Fauna and phenology of Tabanidae (Diptera}in Stara Zagora Region. – In: Reports of the Second National Scientific Conference of Entomology, 25-27 October, Sofia, 1993: 28-34. (In Bulgarian).

Ganeva, D. 1995. Seasonal prevalence and daily activity of tabanids (Tabanidae, Diptera) in the Stara Zagora District. Acta entomologica bulgarica, 1 (1): 6-14. (In Bulgarian, English summary).

Ganeva, D. 1995. The blood-sucking tabanids (Tananidae, Diptera) on the cattle in Stara Zagora Region. Veterinay Medicine, supll. 2: 228-232. (In Bulgarian).

Ganeva, D. 1995. Seasonal prevalence of tabanids (Tabanidae, Dipera) in the Stara Zagora District. – In: Reports of the Third National Scientific Conference of Entomology, 18-20 September, Sofia, 1995: 7-12. ((In Bulgarian, English summary).

Ganeva, D. 1998. Faunal composition of tabanids (Tabanidae, Diptera) in cattle pastures of different types in Bulgaria. Acta entomologica bulgarica, 4 (1): 10-15. (In Bulgarian, English summary).

Ganeva, D. 1999. Fauna, phenology and activity of blood sucking tabanids (Tabanidae, Diptera) in Stara Zagora Region. Summary PhD Thesis, 47 p. (In Bulgarian)

Ganeva D. 1999. Daily activity of Tabanus bromius L., Tabanus tergestinus Egg. and Haematopota pluvialis L. in Stara Zagora region. Periodicum biologorum, Zagreb vol. 101, (3): 215-220.

Ganeva D. 2000. New data about the tabanids (Diptera: Tabanidae) from Bulgaria. Travaux du Museum National d`Histoire naturelle “Grigore Antipa”, vol. XLII, 133-142.

Ganeva D. 2001. Seasonal activity of Tabanus bromius L., Tabanus tergestinus Egg. and Haematopota pluvialis L. in Stara Zagora District. Acta zoologica bulgarica  53 /1/: 89-96.

Ganeva, D. 2002. New localities of tabanids (Tabanidae, Diptera) in Bulgaria.- In: Reports of the Scientific conference with an international participation “Stara Zagora 2002”, June 6-7, 2002, 3: 41-44. (In Bulgarian, English summary).

Ganeva D. 2004. Phenology of the tabanids (Tabanidae, Diptera) in                                      Bulgaria.I. In: Reports of the Scientific conference with an international participation “Stara Zagora 2004”, June 3-4, 2004, 5: 329-333 (In Bulgarian, English summary).

Ganeva D. 2004. Analysis of the Bulgarian tabanid fauna with regard to its potential for epidemiological involvement. Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 7, N 1:1-8.

Ganeva D. 2005. Review of the Tabanids (Diptera: Tabanidae) from Bulgaria. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 57 (3):279-298. 

Ganeva D. 2005. The tabanids fauna (Tabanidae, Diptera) of Stara Planina (Bulgaria) I. In: B. Gruev, M. Nikolova and A. Donev (eds). Proceedings of the Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) from 19 th till 21-st of May 2005, part 2, Plovdiv: 397-403.

Ganeva D. 2006. Tabanids (Tabanidae, Diptera) of the Bulgarian part of the Rhodopes. In: Beron P. (ed) Biodiversity of Bulgaria.3. Biodiversity of Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece) I. Pensoft & Nat. Mus. Natur. Hist., Sofia, 719-728.

 Ganeva D. (in press). Tabanidae (Diptera) from the Strandzha Mountain and Sakar Mountain (Bulgaria). In: Beron P. (ed) Biodiversity of Bulgaria. 00-00.

Ganeva D. 2008. Тhe tabanid fauna (Diptera: Tabanidae) of the Saint Ilijski Eminences (Bulgaria). Acta zoologica bulgarica, Suppl. 2, 19-24.

Ganeva D. 2008. A contribution to the study of the Bulgarian tabanid fauna (Diptera, Tabanidae). In: I.Velcheva and A.Tsekov (eds). Proceedings of the Anniversary Scientific Conference of Ecology , Plovdiv (Bulgaria), November 1st 2008, 96-100.

Ganeva D. 2008. Seasonal dynamics of the activity of Tabanus exclusus Pand., Tabanus quatuornotatus Mg. and Philipomyia graeca F. (Diptera, Tabanidae) in Stara Zagora Region, South Bulgaria. Ecology and future, 7(2): 71-75. (In Bulgarian)

Ganeva D. 2009. New data about the tabanids fauna (Diptera, Tabanidae) of Sakar Mountain, Bulgaria. Trakia journal of sciences, vol.7, 1, 17-21.

Ganeva D. 2009. New data on tabanids (Diptera: Tabanidae) from Slavyanka Mts., Bulgaria. Comptes rendus de l`Academie bulgare des Sciences, t.62, 3, 365-366.

Ganeva D. 2009. The tabanids (Diptera, Tabanidae) from the Belassitsa Mountain, Bulgaria. Agricultural Science and Technology, vol.1, 30-32.

Ganeva D., L. Penev. 2002. Structure and diversity of tabanid assemblages from three pastures in South Bulgaria (Diptera, Tabanidae). Studia dipterologica, 9, Helf 2:743-755.

Ganeva, D., Dimitrova, Z., Ganev, D., Valchev, B. 2008. Problems and perspectives for the development of the National Ecological Network in the Stara Zagora District. Ecology and future, 7(3): 23-28. (In Bulgarian)

Ganeva, D., Dimitrova, Z. Dimitrova, D. 2008. Condition and possibilities for the development of ecotourism and other forms of tourism in the Region of Sliven municipality. Ecology and future, 7(3): 34-37. (In Bulgarian)

Ganev, D., D. Ganeva et S. Koleva. 2008. Régime forestier en Bulgarie: entre l’État et les municipalités, la société civile inexistante. Dans  Jacques L. Boucher et Guy Chiasson (dir.): Développement local en milieu forestier, Actes de colloque, Université du Québec à Montréal, Cahiers du CRISES.

Dimitrova, Z., D. Ganeva, V. Shopova. 2008. Possibilities for development of alternative tourism in the region of Eastern Rhodopes Mountains. Ecology and future, 7(3): 29-33. (In Bulgarian)

Luvchiev V., D. Ganeva. 1991. A Contribution to a Study of Tabanidae (Diptera) Which infest Cattle in the Stara Zagora District. II Intern. School "Parasite-Host-Environment", Sofia, 28.5.-1.6.1991, 241.

Luvchiev V., D. Ganeva. 1993. The importance of certain insect biotopes and    ecological niches of anthropological origin in the area of agriculture. Ecology and agriculture 1: 263-265(In Bulgarian)

Matev I., D. Ganeva, D. Ganev. 2004. Ecology with bases of biogeography and protection of environment. Pensoft, Sofia, 249 p. (In Bulgarian)


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