Гл. ас. д-р инж. Янка Николова Иванова





Професионално обучение
1992 – 1997 г. Висше образование –  магистър – инженер, Пловдивски Университет          гр. Пловдив,   спец. „Инженерна физика“
2011 – 2015 г. Докторска степен, Технически Университет София, филиал Пловдив
Професионално развитие
2005 г. Асистент, Факултет Електроника и Автоматика, катедра “ Електротехника” Технически Университет София, филиал Пловдив
2008 г. Старши асистент,  Факултет Електроника и Автоматика, катедра “ Електротехника” Технически Университет София, филиал Пловдив
2010 г. Главен асистент, Факултет Електроника и Автоматика, катедра “ Електротехника” Технически Университет София, филиал Пловдив
2022 г. Главен асистент, Аграрен Факултет, катедра “ Аграрно инженерство” Тракийски Университет Стара Загора
Преподавани дисциплини
  • Топлотехника
  • Екологични аспекти на земеделска и транспортна техника
  • Хидравлика и хидрозадвижване
  • Възобновяеми енергийни източници
Научни интереси
  • Термодинамични процеси на промените в състоянието на газовете
  • Електротехника и електрозадвижване
  • Механика на флуидите
  • Сензори за измерване на електрични и неелектрични величини
Тема на защитена дисертация
“Нетрадиционни електрични схеми за възбуждане на твърдотелни квантови оптични генератори-анализ, синтез и оптимизация”
  1. Автореферат на дисертация на тема: “Нетрадиционни електрични схеми за възбуждане на твърдотелни квантови оптични генератори-анализ, синтез и оптимизация” (02.20.05), Пловдив, 2015г.
  2. Научни публикации  в  издания, които са реферирани и индексирани в световноизвестни бази данни с научна информация
    1. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, New approach toward the laser  transient processes using double pulse method, Comptes rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences, ENGINEERING SCIENCES,  Electronics Tome 71, No 7, 2018, pp. 962-970.DOI: 10.7546/CRABS.2018.07.13
    2. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, Research of the impacy of an active driver circuit with  di / dt  feedback on dc motor speed, Proc. IX National Conference with International Participation "Electronica 2018", May 17 – 18, 2018,       Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 51-54, ISBN 978-1-5386-5800-0, DOI: 10.1109/ELECTRONICA.2018.8439363, Publisher: IEEE.
    3. Y.Ivanova, S.Ivanov, LED Transmitter for Plastic Optical Fibers, 2020 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), 12-14 Nov. Ruse, Bulgaria 2020, ISBN:978-1-7281-0362-4, DOI: 10.1109/EEAE49144.2020.9279074, Publisher: IEEE.
    4. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, Reducing Energy Losses in Realising MOSFET Control by an Active du/dt Feedback Driver, 2020 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), 12-14 Nov. Ruse, Bulgaria 2020, ISBN:978-1-7281-0362-4, DOI: 10.1109/EEAE49144.2020.9279094, Publisher: IEEE.
    5. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, Research of the Impact of the Active Driver Circuit with a dv/dt Feedback on the Speed of a DC Motor, 2020 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), 12-14 Nov. Ruse, Bulgaria 2020, ISBN:978-1-7281-0362-4, DOI: 10.1109/EEAE49144.2020.9279016, Publisher: IEEE.
    6. Y.Ivanova, S.Ivanov, E.Vasileva,  D.Nyagolov, Control of Impulse Converter with Reverse Energy Transmission with Active Driver Circuit, 2020 XI National Conference with International Participation (ELECTRONICA), 23-24 July Sofia, Bulgaria 2020, ISBN:978-1-7281-7531-7, DOI: 10.1109/ELECTRONICA50406.2020.9305097, Publisher: IEEE.
    7. Y.Ivanova and S. Ivanov, "Dv/Dt Control Through the Gate of a Field-Effect Transistor in Forward-Mode Converters," 2021 12th National Conference with International Participation (ELECTRONICA), 2021, pp. 1-4, ISBN:978-1-6654-4061-5,doi: 10.1109/ELECTRONICA52725.2021.9513730.
    8. S.C.Ivanov and Y.N.Ivanova, "Optimization of Switching Performance of Power MOSFET with Active Driver with dv/dt Feedback," 2021 17th Conference on Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems       (ELMA), 2021, pp. 1-5, ISBN:978-1-6654-3582-6,                                         DOI: 10.1109/ELMA52514.2021.9503078, SJR-0,123.
    9. S.C.Ivanov and Y.N.Ivanova, "A Comparison of Drain-Source Voltage Characteristics for Active and Conventional Gate Control Circuits," 2021 17th Conference on Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems (ELMA), 2021, pp. 1-5, ISBN:978-1-6654-3582-6,                                        DOI: 10.1109/ELMA52514.2021.9503004,        SJR-0,123.
    10. S. C. Ivanov, Y. N. Ivanova and K. V. Peichev, "Impulse Control of DC Motor with Addition of Energy," 2021 International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), 30 Sept.-2 Oct. Varna, Bulgaria 2021, pp. 58-61,      DOI: 10.1109/ICAI52893.2021.9639789. ISBN:978-1-6654-2661-9.
  3. Научни публикации в нереферирани списания с научно рецензиране или в редактирани колективни трудове
    1. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, Analisys and simulation investigation of „Double pulse” flash-lamp pump laser electrical system, Journal of the Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria, Fundamental Sciences and Applications, vol. 19, 2013, ISSN 1310-8271, pp. 247-250.
    2. Я.Иванова, Методи и устройства за управление на импулсна лампа за възбуждане на багрилни лазери, Научни трудове на  Съюза на  учените в  България-Plovdiv, Серия Б. Техника и Технологии, том.XI,. стр. 60-64, 2013, ISSN 1311-9419.
    3. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, Theoretical and graphical representation of transition process in the scheme for obtaining high-energy pulses for excitation of laser with discharge lamps, Journal of the technical university – Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria, Fundamental sciences and applications, Volume 20, 2014, pp. 11-16.
    4. Y.Ivanova, S.Ivanov, Analysis and simulation research of scheme for obtaining high energy pulse excitation of laser with a discharge lamp, сп. Машиностроене и машинознание, книга 3, 2014г., издателство на ТУ Варна, ISSN 1312-8612, pp. 50-53.
    5. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, Determine the energy of the impulse scheme for electrical excitation laser type “double impulse”, Elektrotechnica  & elektronica  E+E, Vol. 49, No 7-8/ 2014, pp. 15 – 19. ISSN:0861-4717.
    6. Y.Ivanova, S.Ivanov, Switching power supply source for charging the capacitor of high voltage, Journal of the Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria, “Fundamental Sciences and Applications” Vol. 21, book 1, 2015, pp 309-312.
    7. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, Electronic Converter for Fiber Optic Thermometer, Journal of the Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria, “Fundamental Sciences and Applications” Vol.22, 2016, pp 76-79. ISSN 1310-8271.
    8. Y.Ivanova, S.Ivanov, R.Bojilov, Investigation of one loop electric circuit for control of flash lamp, International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch 18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, pp. II-115-118.
    9. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, R.Bojilov, Ultrasonic sensor for measuring water speed, International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch 18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, pp. II-119-124.
    10. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, Ultrasonic sensor for measuring water speed by frequency difference method, Journal announcements of union of scientists – Sliven, ISSN: 1311 2864, volume 32 (1), 2017,pp 11-16.
    11. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, Research of fiber-optical interface with plastic optical fiber and different sources of light, Journal announcements of union of scientists – Sliven, ISSN: 1311 2864, volume 32 (1), 2017,pp 22-26.
    12. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, I.Tanev, Investigation of trajectories of switching on and off of MOSFET driving an active and conventional driver, Scientific Researches of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv, Series B. Natural Sciences and the Humanities, Vol. XVIII, 2018, ISSN 1311-9192, pp. 166-169.
    13. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, Research of optical receiver for plastic optical fibers, International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems,TECHSYS 2018, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch, 17 – 19 May 2018, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, ISSN: 2367-8577, pp. 95-98.
    14. Y.Ivanova, S.Ivanov, Research of transmitter for plastic optical fiber, International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems,TECHSYS 2018, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch, 17 – 19 May 2018, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, ISSN: 2367-8577, pp. 99-102.
    15. S.Ivanov, Y.Ivanova, Half-bridge inverter for induction heating of steel details, Journal announcements of union of scientists – Sliven, ISSN: 1311 2864, volume 34 (1), 2019, pp 18-23.
    16. Y.Ivanova, S.Ivanov, Research of an induction device for a surface hardening of steel details, Journal announcements of union of scientists – Sliven, ISSN: 1311 2864, volume 34 (1), 2019, pp 24-29.
    17. Y.Ivanova, Methodology for designing the resonant contours of a driver circuit "double pulse", Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv, Series С. Teсhnics and Technologies, Vol. XIX, 2021, ISSN 131 -9419, pp. 11-15.
    18. Y.Ivanova, Research of dependence of the current through discharger on the value of the capacitor in driver circuit type "double pulse", Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv, Series С. Teсhnics and Technologies, Vol. XIX, 2021, ISSN 131 -9419, pp. 16-19.
    19. Y.Ivanova, Study of the basic methods for electricity conversion in AC regulators, 5th National scientific conference with international participation, TechCo 2021, 2-3 July 2021, Lovech, Print: University Publishing House "Vasil Aprilov" Gabrovo, ISSN 2535-079X, pp. 21-25.
    20. Y.Ivanova, Investigation of transients in pulse control of DC motor,      5th National scientific conference with international participation,   TechCo 2021, 2-3 July 2021, Lovech, Print: University Publishing House "Vasil Aprilov" Gabrovo, ISSN 2535-079X, pp. 50-54.
    21. Y.Ivanova, S. Ivanov, Control of single-phase voltage inverter with photo voltage isolators, Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv, Series С. Teсhnics and Technologies, Vol. XX, 2022, ISSN 131 -9419, pp. 71-74.
    22. Y.Ivanova, S. Ivanov, Investigation of an adjustable rectifier with MOSFET controlled by photo voltage isolator, Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv, Series С. Teсhnics and Technologies, Vol. XX, 2022, ISSN 131 -9419, pp. 75-78.
Учебни помагала
  1. Н. Георгиев, С. Стефанов, Я. Иванова, В.Златанова, И.Георгиев, В.Кирчев, Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по Теоретична електротехника, 2008г., ТУ-София, филиал Пловдив, ISBN:987-954-317-146-0.
Участия в национални и международни конференции
  1. National Conference with International Participation "Electronica 2018", May 17 – 18, 2018,       Sofia, Bulgaria,  Publisher: IEEE.
  2. 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), 12-14 Nov. Ruse, Bulgaria 2020, Publisher: IEEE.
  3. XI National Conference with International Participation (ELECTRONICA), 23-24 July Sofia, Bulgaria 2020, Publisher: IEEE.
  4. 12th National Conference with International Participation (ELECTRONICA), 2021, Publisher: IEEE.
  5. 17th Conference on Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems (ELMA), 2021, Publisher: IEEE, SJR-0,123.
  6. International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), 30 Sept.-2 Oct. Varna, Bulgaria 2021, Publisher: IEEE.
  7. International conference Engineering, Technologies and System, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Techys 2013.
  8. Съюз на учените в България-Пловдив, Серия В. Техника и технологии, Научна сесия “Техника и технологии“, 30-31.X. 2013.
  9. International conference Engineering, Technologies and System, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Techys 2014.
  10. Национална конференция с международно участие, 27-29 юни 2014, гр. Сливен;
  11. International conference Engineering, Technologies and System, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Techys 2015.
  12. International conference Engineering, Technologies and System, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Techys 2016.
  13. International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch 18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
  14. Национална конференция с международно участие, 29-30 юни 2017, гр. Сливен.
  15. Съюз на учените в България-Пловдив, Серия В. Техника и технологии, Научна сесия “Техника и технологии“, 30-31.X. 2018.
  16. International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems,TECHSYS 2018, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch, 17 – 19 May 2018, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
  17. Национална конференция с международно участие, 29-30 юни 2019, гр. Сливен;
  18. Съюз на учените в България-Пловдив, Серия В. Техника и технологии, Научна сесия “Техника и технологии“, 30-31.X. 2020.
  19. National scientific conference with international participation, TechCo 2021, 2-3 July 2021, Lovech, Bulgaria.
  20. Съюз на учените в България-Пловдив, Серия В. Техника и технологии, Научна сесия “Техника и технологии“, 30-31.X. 2021.

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